
Friday, February 1, 2013

Why I love special ed!

Today was one of those uber frustrating days where it seemed like nothing was going right.  By the end of the day, I found myself counting down minutes and trying my best to not let my stress and anxiety show.  Just when I thought I was at my limit, I had a student finally grasp a concept that we have been working on since the beginning of the year.  All of a sudden, I was given a new perspective.  It was because of that moment I was reminded why I entered this profession to begin with.  With that, I thought I would share my list of reasons I love special ed.  I figure even if nobody else agrees, now I have it in a place where I can be reminded next time I'm at my limit (like tomorrow).

Why I Love Special Education

1.  The Lightbulb - You know, the minute that a student finally grasps a concept.  This is especially meaningful when you have been working on something for what seems like forever.

2.  Flexibility - Although I still follow the curriculum, I have the freedom to change things based on need.  Working with all the subjects also gives me the opportunity to do many cross-curricular activities my regular ed counter parts can't do.

3.  Holidays - I realize how bad this will sound, but Christmas and Halloween are two days when I am super thankful to be in special education.  No homeroom means no holiday parties.  Normally on these days I make my rounds, make sure that I visit most of my kiddos, and then I retreat to my quiet, clean classroom and shut the door.  What's even better, is the students normally bring me treats to enjoy as I soak in the peace and quiet.  It's those little moments that make the paperwork totally worth it.

4.  It's ok to be a little weird - I've heard it said before that, "you are what you teach."  I don't know many special educators who haven't deemed themselves a little "special" from time to time.  I've gone to some pretty interesting lengths to help my students, and I'm sure I've looked a little strange in the process.  From singing and dancing, to having yoga balls instead of chairs, to naming the insects that visit our room, I'm ok with whatever as long as it helps my kiddos out!

5. Variety - You've heard the saying, "Variety is the spice of life."  Well, in my opinion nowhere is there more variety than in special ed.  From the kids I work with to the lessons I teach, no two days are ever the same.  Plus, I get to work in some pretty neat programs that you wouldn't find in a regular education room.

6. Data - Ok, here is where the nerd in me comes out.  I love numbers, I love looking at data and analyzing trends.  It's part of the reason I ended up with a math minor.  The fact that is a regular (constant) part of my job is, in my opinion, awesome!

7.  The unexpected - Similar to variety, but in its own special way.  I have grown to love the unexpected, as you never know what my kiddos will say or do next.  At times, it can be stressful, especially during a huge meltdown or when a kid is threatening you with scissors.  However, the unexpected is also what has led to some of my all time favorite moments as a teacher. 

There are many more items to add to the list, but what fun would it be if I listed them all now? 

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