
Saturday, February 2, 2013

What your Special Education Teacher wants you to know...Part 2

So a few days have gone by, and I already have a few more little bits of information for all those regular education teachers out there.  And to those who got snarky with me last time, please realize this is all in fun.

Some More Things Your Special Education Teacher Wants You To Know....

1.  We are not a dumping ground. - You cannot decide a student needs to come down to see me simply because you can't stand them at that moment.  This sends an awful message both to the student and to all the other kids who hear you yelling this.  I'm more than happy to help if there is an issue, but I need to know about the issue first.

2.  My prep is just as important as yours, even if it isn't at the same time.  - For some reason, a few of the teachers I work with have no problem at all sending kids down during my prep period.  I've reminded them repeatedly about the times I am available, yet short of leaving my room for 45 minutes, it is inevitable that someone will show up at my door.  Because I love my students and I want to be there for them, I very rarely turn them away but still it is frustrating!  How would you like it if I sent my class down to you during your prep? 

3.  My kids can achieve. - It drives me nuts when expectations are automatically reduced because a student "comes from Mrs. Hodges" room.  These students can still do the same things as other kids, they are not idiots!  I'll step in and make the adaptations when it is appropriate, until then, please treat them like any other student!

4.  Retarded is not the correct term. - If there is one thing that irritates me more than anything, it is the term "retarded."  It has such a negative connotation, and is probably one of the more offensive things you can call my kids.  Once upon a time "mentally retarded" was the term used to describe students who had a very low IQ and functional difficulties.  Now, we the term is "intellectual disability."  Frankly, whenever you refer to one of my students using that word, you are only making yourself look like an awful person.

5.  My kids are not stupid. - Piggybacking on #4, it drives me nuts when my kids are referred to using any derogatory name.  How would you like it if I refered to your child like that?  You are the stupid one for not recognizing that these students simply learn in different ways.

And on that happy note, I'm out!

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